
Media reports

Media reports

  • High-Intensity Sweeteners

    High-intensity sweeteners are commonly used as sugar substitutes or sugar alternatives because they are many times sweeter than sugar but contribute only a few to no calories when added to foods. High-intensity sweeteners, like all other ingredients added to food in the United States, must be saf...
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  • FDA Approves New Non-Nutritive Sugar Substitute Neotame

    The Food and Drug Administration today announced its approval of a new sweetener, neotame, for use as a general-purpose sweetener in a wide variety of food products, other than meat and poultry. Neotame is a non-nutritive, high intensity sweetener that is manufactured by the NutraSweet Company of...
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  • Neotame

    Neotame is an artificial sweetener derived from aspartame that is considered its potential successor. This sweetener has essentially the same qualities as aspartame, such as a sweet taste close to that of sucrose, without a bitter or metallic aftertaste. Neotame has advantages over aspartame, suc...
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